Showpieces of Many Cultures
This teaching resource contains a video of each dance (here is an example), recorded music to dance to (here is an example), and a pdf book giving the dance instructions, song words, useful notes, and much fascinating information (here is a sample page).
Alunelul (Romania)
Les Batons (Auvergne, France)
La Boulangère (Paris, France)
Les Ceintures (south-west France)
Chau Pi Chong Ten Zen (Taiwan)
Dalmatian Kolo Suite (New Zealand)
Dandiya Raas (India)
Dorset Four-Hand Reel (England)
Hasaposerviko (Greece)
Jai Ho (Bollywood style, India)
Morris Dancing (England)
– Cotswold-style Entry
– Rorke’s Drift (Cotswolds)
– Jenny Lind (Cotswolds)
Maypole Dancing (England)
– Entry
– The Barber’s Pole
– The Closed Plait
– The Spider’s Web
Mayim Mayim (Israel)
Oxdance (Sweden)
La Raspa (Mexico)
Samokovsko Horo (Bulgaria)
Sofa Hunter’s Dance (Guinea, West Africa)
Tinikling (Philippines)
Wandering Drummer (Scottish Country Dance)
• These dances make particularly good showpieces for their cultures, but could be enjoyed purely for the participants’ fun.
• Of special note, the book of this Album has a unique four-page study of the Auckland Dalmatians’ Kolo Dancers and their Suite, including its development and its social context.
• A small historical book written to accompany this collection integrates the dances and their elements into the social and developmental story. The whole offers a lively textbook for Dance Studies or a Rough Guide for exploration by individual enthusiastic youngsters.